Jiu Jitsu For Autism Limited Edition Fundraiser Tee for ladies.  The Kabuto Tee is available at www.thejiujitsushop.com

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Jiu Jitsu For Autism Limited Edition Kabuto Fundraiser T-Shirt - Female

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    The Jiu Jitsu For Autism Limited Edition Kabuto Fundraiser T-Shirt is available for Men and Women. Different cuts for different forms. 

    This one of a kind t-shirt is released by Jiu Jitsu For Autism. The organization that brought you the Jiu Jitsu For Autism patches that are found exclusively with The Jiu Jitsu Shop. 

    Jiu Jitsu is a sport where perseverance and teamwork matter. Jiu Jitsu for Autism benefits the Organization for Autism Research - one of the best charities around, where the majority of funds contribute to the research. Together we hope to have a positive imptact on those affected by autism.  

    Purchase a new T-shirt with an awesome Japanese Kabuto Mask to show your support for OAR and JJ4A. 

    This shirt features a Japanese Kabuto Mask in the front with the Jiu Jitsu For Autism Logo on the forehead. The back of the t-shirt also has a Jiu Jitsu For Autism Logo with the words "Jiu Jitsu For Autism" on the upper back.

    Technical Features: 

    • 100% Cotton
    • Unique Japanese Kabuto Theme
    • 100% of proceeds go to Jiu Jitsu For Autism
    • Female Cut T-shirt
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    Color: Black
